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Email Sequence conditions explained

There are a number of conditions available to strategically optimise your email sequence campaigns with Salesfire. 

Conditions allow campaigns to be segmented based on user behaviour and allow you to deliver email campaigns in a controlled manner to your visitors. 

Basket Value

Only show when the basket is above below or between a certain amount. Using the Basket Value condition, detect when shoppers have an amount added to their basket to enrol them into a sequence. This is typically used alongside the Abandoned Cart sequence to ensure something has been added to the cart when the email is captured to send the appropriate campaign.

Time of Day

Only trigger campaigns between certain times of the day, using the Time of Day condition allows sequences to send after a specified time using the After Time field and the Before Time field.


Set a time period to delay a campaign. This will ensure that any user who meets the requirements for the campaign to be sent to, is positioned with the delayed time you have set using the condition.

If you are looking to delay between each email or SMS within the sequence, you will find the delay option using the plus option within the Campaign flow.

Hasn't received Campaign 

The Hasn't received Campaign trigger will only send an email or SMS in the sequence, if the user has not received a specific campaign type that you have selected.

Select from the dropdown to select a campaign that the user hasn't received in order for the current campaign to send.  Use the time field to select a period of time required to pass in order for the user to be enrolled.  

No Purchases 

The no purchases option will condition your campaigns to only send when a user has not made a purchase since the initial email trigger was met. This is often used within Abandoned Cart, Search and Browse Abandonment campaigns and Save My Basket.