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Adding keywords to your product catalogue
Typically takes 2 minutes

How to add keywords to your Product Catalogue to personalise your search results. 

Product Catalogue Keywords

One more great feature that you are able to utilise and personalise within the Product Catalogue area is the keywords section. 

Adding keywords to the product catalogue will allow for optimised searches with additional phrases added to an individual product featured in your product catalogue. The keywords are often used to add further descriptive words related to a product to make finding the product more accessible. 

How to add keywords to your search

  1. Access the Product Catalogue from the main dashboard menu by selecting More and the heading to Settings and then Product Catalogue.
  2. Within the Product Catalogue section you will find a tab titled Catalogue. 
  3. In Catalogue, you will be able to go into your individual products and add keywords that you would like us to recognise within the search results. 
  4. In order to do this, just click on the Details button of the individual product that you would like to add the keyword to, scroll down to Keywords and add the keyword or keywords of your choice. 

Once you have added the desired keywords, select the Add Keyword to save the changes made.