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Reporting and analytics in Overlays

Your Overlays analytics can be found in the Salesfire dashboard Main Menu and then selecting Analytics. 

The Overlays tab will display your performance across any legacy Overlays or Digital Assistant campaigns that have triggered during the time period selected in the calendar functionality.

Please note: Your Salesfire dashboard analytics adhere to UTC time zone and do not take into account daylight savings time. 

You may also use the Filter button to display the relevant device type you are looking to analyse performance on. 

The first analytics section gives you an overview of the total number of views, clicks, conversions and revenue generated from your Overlays during the selected period. 


Views are established based on the number of times your Overlay campaigns trigger and have been viewed on-site. 


The clicks will be tracked through call-to-action buttons or links added to Overlays which allow a user to click. This does not include the click of a dismiss button. 


Conversions are generated when Salesfire influences an order on your site. The conversion rate is the percentage of clicks in Overlays that result in an order.

Influenced Revenue

An influenced sale is measured by a Salesfire campaign triggering on site, a customer interacting with the campaign and then the shopper going on to make a purchase. This figure is then used to form the revenue influenced by Salesfire.

The revenue generated from this conversion is attributed to the total revenue figure displayed in the analytics for each tool.

Revenue influenced is based on click attribution, revenue total is attributed to the Salesfire tools that has been interacted with before a customer purchases.

An interaction is defined as a click e.g. selecting a call to action or submission button an interaction is not defined as a dismiss e.g. closing the campaign.


Underneath these topline stats, you will see an overview section.

This section displays a bar graph to further break down the time period selected, providing you with a more detailed analysis of the views, clicks, conversions and revenue of your Overlay campaigns.

Simply click on one of the statistic pills to reveal more in-depth data on performance increase or decrease for specific dates.

Average order value breakdown

This section displays the average order value (AOV) for the orders that have been influenced by Salesfire and those not influenced by Salesfire, allowing you to identify the uplift in AOV across your website from the Overlay campaigns. 

Campaign breakdown

The campaign breakdown section will reveal the individual statistics for each Overlay and Digital Assistant campaign triggered during the time period selected.

Any legacy Overlay campaigns are indicated by a ‘Legacy’ pill.

This will include individual performance indicators such as views, clicks, number of conversions, conversion rate, average order value and the total revenue produced from the campaigns. 

Advanced reporting

In your Digital Assistant Overlays Campaign Breakdown, you will also find a dropdown option to reveal advanced data reported on your individual campaigns.

You will find additional analytics such as conversions vs impressions, save rate, bounce rate and cart abandonment rate. 

You can customise the view of your advanced reporting within the dropdown section by selecting the Advanced button and using the checkboxes to select which advanced reporting stats you want to display.

The statistics available in advanced reporting include:

Conversions vs Impressions

This will calculate the percentage of conversions out of the total number of (views) impressions the campaign has received.

Save rate

Save rate is the total number of sessions that continued to the next page after being shown a campaign.

Bounce rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of people who only visited one page on the site within the same session that the campaign was shown.

Cart abandonment rate

Cart abandonment rate is the percentage of sessions with something in their basket that have seen the campaign but did not make a purchase. 

Revenue per mille

Revenue per mille is the revenue made per 1000 views of a Digital Assistant campaign.