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Email Sequences triggers explained

Email Sequence triggers will allow you to control the campaign flow to trigger email sends based on an action occurring. 

Email Captured

The Email Captured trigger works to capture emails and points across your website where an email address is submitted in fields across your site such as newsletter sign up sections and mostly the checkout area upon submitting an email address. 

The Email Captured trigger is typically used within the Salesfire Re-engagement email and the Abandoned Order email sequences. 

Has Purchased 

The Has Purchased trigger can be found within your Post-Purchase Recommendations in order to trigger an email to send when a user has completed an order through your website. This will enable customers to send re-engagement emails to existing customers to inform them of potential products that may complement their recent purchases. 

Added to List

The Added to List trigger works to deliver an email when data is captured through a Salesfire campaign and is submitted to a data collection list. The Added to List trigger will trigger an email send to your chosen list. The Added to List trigger can be found preset in your Save My Basket and Mailing List Voucher Confirmation emails.