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Creating and managing segments

Segment your contacts to run targeted campaigns to specific criteria groups. Segments can be created in your Salesfire dashboard to identify the criteria that a user must meet to be included in a data set, allowing you to send highly personalised email and SMS campaigns to users. 

Setting up segments

To create a new segment, select the Audiences option from the main nav menu in your Salesfire dashboard. 

The Create new segment button within the Audiences section of the Salesfire dashboard.

Segments best practices

Choose the Segments & Lists tab within the Audiences section. Here you will find some default-created lists to help with running targeted campaigns:

  • Known non-buyers - customers who have had data collected with no purchase history. 
  • Known one-time buyers - customers with one purchase since their data was collected.
  • Known repeat buyers - customers with more than one purchase since their data was collected. 

These default segments have been created with eCommerce best practices in mind and enable you to start segmenting your audiences based on data collected and buying history. 

Creating a new segment

To create a new segment for specific target campaigns select Create new.

This will open the modal where you can select Segment to set the criteria required for your segmented campaigns. 

Select the Eligibility dropdown to set the focus for your segment group. The criteria can include the following rules:

  • Lifetime Spend - set the criteria of your segment to include a lifetime spend of a set value. 
  • Lifetime Purchases - set the criteria of your segment to include a total lifetime purchase value. 
  • AOV - set the segment criteria based on an average order value. Add the monetary value to the field and choose less than, greater than or equal to the amount set. 
  • CR - set the criteria to the conversion rate percentage desired for the segmented list. 
  • Last Purchased at  - set a timeframe for when a customer last purchased. For example, before 30 days means they will be added if they have not purchased for at least 30 days.
    After 30 days means they have not purchased in the last 30 days.
  • Last Contacted at - set a timeframe for when a contact was last contacted. For example, before 180 days means they will be added if they have not been contacted for at least 180 days.
    After 180 days means they have been contacted in the last 180 days.
  • Last Visited at  - set a timeframe for when a contact last visited your site. For example, before 180 days means they will be added if they haven’t visited for at least 180 days.
    After 180 days means they have visited in the last 180 days.
  • Total Sessions - set a numerical value for the total number of sessions a data set must have in order to be added to a segment. 
  • Last Search Query - add a wording phrase that must match the last query searched by a contact in order to be added to a segment. Choose if this contains, does not contain or is not an exact match. 

Adding a condition 

Once you have selected the eligibility criteria for your segment you can choose a condition to further segment the data. This can be greater than, smaller than or equal to a value or contain or not contain a particular phrase.

The conditions available will differ depending on the eligibility attribute chosen.

Editing a segment within the Salesfire dashboard and settings for creating the criteria to add data to a specific segment.

Adding multiple rules

To add multiple rules to your segment campaigns select the Add Rule option to further filter the number of people in each segment. 

When adding further rules to your segment you will be able to view the audience number to review how much data has been added to the segment. 

Once you are happy with your segment, select Continue to create and add the segment to your dashboard ready for use within your campaign flows. 

Exporting Segments

Any segments created can be exported by selecting the More button next to your created segment and selecting Export all contacts.

The more button to export all contacts from the segments section of the Salesfire Dashboard.

Learn how to use your segments with an email or SMS sequence. 

If you are looking to create a list of data that does not use Salesfire Segments and would like to create a list to target with a bespoke campaign, see our guide on how to import contacts for lists.