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Merchandising for Recommendations

To begin merchandising your product catalogue for Recommendations, follow these simple steps:

In your Salesfire dashboard menu select More, Settings and then Product Catalogue.

Along the tab section select Merchandising.

Within the Merchandising section you can choose which product recommendations you wish to merchandise.

Simply, search for the product you would like to merchandise and then select the merchandising option you would like your products to be applied to.

The options to choose from are:

  • Bought Together - choose to merchandise based on your preferences for items often bought alongside a product from your catalogue.
  • Similar - choose to merchandise based on your preferences for similar products of your choosing.
  • Upsell - choose to merchandise based on your preferences for items often you would recommend to upsell against your selection of products.

Select the plus button under your chosen product to begin adding a product to the merchandising for your selected product. You may choose 12 products to merchandise that will appear in the recommendations unit of the selected product.

Once you have merchandised your required products go to the Catalogue tab at the top of your page and select Run Import this will sync your updates accordingly.

Merchandising recommendations