HomeSalesfire’s Search tool allows you to take control of the search results displayed for each query searched using our intelligent algorithms.
Search results will then be weighted based on your strategy to help guide visitors towards specific products.
To find this functionality in the Search section and select Algorithm from the tabs displayed above the search preview.
Within the Algorithm tab you will find a search bar where you can begin to type in your desired search queries to test your site algorithm.
The search results that are presented will be in the order that will pull through to the search tool on the front end of your site.
A relevance score will be present against each of the returned search results. The relevance score is calculated using a Best Matching 25 function that estimates how relevant a query is based on how often query terms appear against products and how rare those terms are across the products. These estimations are then used to provide a relevance score in order to rank your search results accordingly.
Using the algorithm sliders you can adjust the algorithm to rank key factors upon searching for a product such as on product title, description, brand or colour. Using the algorithm slider options you may determine which algorithm sliders should be prioritised and changing the algorithm sliders will impact the relevance score against your product catalogue.
To adjust your algorithm sliders, within the Algorithm tab select the blue Edit icon.
You will see a variety of slider options to influence the search results shown to shoppers. Using the sliders can give you your desired results using the results display to view how your algorithm changes have ranked your returned search results.
You can weight your results on a high-to-low scale based on the information contained in your product feed. The percentage you set each weighting to varies depending on your feed and the data included. If you product feed contains very detailed product titles you may not wish to set the title algorithm slider to a high percentage as this will increase the sensitivity of the results ranked where information is lacking, in this example it would not likely be required to set to 100%.
Important: Please note any changes you make to weightings will impact all of the results shown to customers so we strongly recommend using the preview section available in the dashboard to see how changes in weightings impact your search results as you make them.
It’s important to continue reviewing your weightings periodically to see how your search results are displaying on-site.
You can also review the top search terms used on your site to help keep weightings up to date with what users are searching for.
This can be found in the Analytics section of your Salesfire dashboard. Simply click on the Search tab where the full search breakdown will be revealed.
If you need further assistance when following this guide, please contact the support team at support@salesfire.com for assistance.
For example, if you are using the Keyword Boost feature in Search to boost specific phrases or brands, this will impact the algorithm as the boosted keywords will take priority over the algorithm setting.
Find out more about using Keyword Boosts.
We advise continuing to review your weightings periodically to see how your search results are displaying on-site.