HomeTo choose where and how often your Search Promotions appear in your search results head to the Positioning section under Edit Promotion.
Visibility can be set so that your promotion shows on either Always, No Search, Any Search or Specific phrase.
This will allow you to control when and where the promotion unit should appear in the search results.
You may also add multiple phrases when selecting the Specific Phrase option so that you can promote a unit on multiple phrases rather than duplicating the promotion multiple times per phrase.
Simply add your phrases of choice using the Phrase Condition field. You can use the Contains or Exact option from the drop-down to set whether the campaign displays on an exact query or a query containing particular wording.
Within the Positioning section of search you will also find options to set how frequently you would like your Promotions to repeat in your results.
If you require your Search Promotion to only appear once in the position you’ve set, then the frequency can be set at 0.
Any number entered into the frequency field will repeat the campaign after this many product spaces in the search results.
Examples of how the frequency field can work to display promotions in your search results include: