Help Centre


Recommendations API Guide

You can use our Recommendations API if you wish to build and maintain your own UI or integrate it into an existing framework.

Recommend products

Returns a list of products in slot order:


General parameters

  • aid ( string ) - Required - Your site ID, this can be found within your Salesfire dashboard.
  • l ( int ) - Optional - Accepted values: between 1 and 100. A limit on the number of products to be returned.
  • context ( enum ) - Optional - Accepted values: null, homepage, category, product, basket, search, other.
    What type of page is the unit on? This helps our algorithm to return better results.
  • pid ( string ) - Optional - The ID of the current product. This is needed to provide context to the recommendations engine and must match the ID in the product catalogue.
  • shuffle ( int ) - Optional - Accepted values: 0 or 1. Set to 1 to shuffle the returned results.
  • filters[] ( array ) - Optional - See below for values.
  • Show_out_of_stock ( filter array value, boolean ) - Optional - Default: true.
    If enabled, products that are out of stock in the product feed will not be returned.
  • S[0] ( index, int ) - Required - Slot types:
    Most Popular = p
    New In = n
    Bought Together = t
    Similar = s
    Personalised = c


 curl -G -X GET \
  -d aid={YOUR_CLIENT_ID} \
  -d "l=8" \
  -d "context=product" \
  -d "pid=32ds050s3" \
  -d "filters[show_out_of_stock]=0" \
  -d "s[0]=c" \
  -d "s[0]=c" \
  -d "s[0]=n" \
  -d "s[0]=t" \
  -d "s[0]=s" \
  -d "s[0]=s" \
  -d "s[0]=s" \
  -d "s[0]=s"
    "client": "{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}",
    "products": [
            "id": "195d12af567",
            "title": "Example Title",
            "brand": "My Brand",
            "price": {
                "min": 55,
                "max": 55,
                "savings": 0,
                "currency": null,
                "unit": null
            "image_url": "...",
            "images": {
                "blue": "..."
            "link": "...",
            "links": {
                "blue": "..."
            "in_stock": true,
            "docid": 1593,
            "score": 247.11899264046633,
            "origin": "bestsellers"
    "time": 0.0004520416259765625,
    "timestamp": 1635226700,
    "icon_available": true