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Magento 2 Installation Guide
Typically takes 2 minutes

Magento 2 Integration

You can install Salesfire to your Magento 2 site in just a few minutes.

There are two methods listed to help with installation but only one is required.

Method 1: Install via composer

  1. To install Salesfire via composer follow the steps here. 
  2. When prompted to retrieve the extension’s composer name and version in the guide, enter the following commands: 
composer require salesfire/magento2

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

3. Now follow the How to setup section

How to setup

After installation, you will need to enter your Salesfire details.

  1. In Magento, navigate to your Salesfire settings through Stores then click on Configuration, head to Salesfire, and go to General.
  2. Mark Enable as Yes and ensure Use Website is checked.
  3. Find your Site ID in your Salesfire dashboard by navigating to Settings.
  4. Then populate using this Site ID and mark enabled as Yes.

Screenshot of the Magento 2 General Settings to enable Salesfire onto the Magento 2 platform.

Click Save Config.

Installation is now complete.

Method 2: Manually install via composer

Manual installation should only be used on the rare occasion you are unable to complete installation via composer. 

  1. Access your server via SSH.
  2. Create a folder that is not a Magento root directory called: Salesfire.
  3. Download the zip package here and upload to the Salesfire folder.

Add the following snippet to composer.json:


        "repositories": [


                "type": "artifact",

                "url": "path/to/root/directory/salesfire/"





Run composer command line

composer require salesfire/magento2

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Now follow the How to setup section to complete.