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How to add Dynamic Basket Value to your Overlays
Typically takes 3 minutes

The Dynamic Basket value can be pulled through to display the amount a customer needs to spend to reach a specific threshold value for example ‘Just spend £10 more for Free Delivery’.

This can be displayed on your overlay design using the Dynamic Value button within an overlay text element, add the calculation of the monetary amount the text should add up to and this will calculate the amount the campaign will display when a shopper triggers the campaign. 

How to set up a Dynamic Basket Overlay

The dynamic value can be added to an overlay design through the text element. 

To achieve this, firstly, drag and drop the text element onto the overlay in the advanced mode. 

You will find the Advanced option in the top right corner of the overlay design tab. 

Once you have drag and dropped the text element onto the overlay canvas, you will now be able to set up the dynamic value which you will calculate the value remaining that needs adding to the basket to meet the threshold you have set. 

You will find the %% button within the contents box of the text element where you can add these settings in place. 

The dynamic basket value button in the bespoke overlays builder.

This will open the Dynamic Value window where you can choose the threshold for the dynamic basket value. This is the value you would like the system to calculate too and display.

Adding the dynamic value threshold to overlay.

Once you have inserted this onto the overlay canvas, you will find the dynamic setting added and ready to move onto the next stage.  

The next stage will be to configure the conditions within the Steps tab of the overlay. Setting a Basket Value condition will allow you to control when the overlay should appear on your site. 

Within the Conditions you will find the Basket Value condition where you can set this; greater than, between or equal to a certain value.

Once this is in place your Dynamic Basket overlay is ready to go live.