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How to manage the appearance of Email

Manage the appearance of your Email Campaigns easily with the option to set an Email Template within your Salesfire Dashboard as a default for all email campaigns that follow for even easier set up when launching an Email Sequence.  

To manage your Email Template appearance go to the Salesfire Main Menu and select Settings, then Email, within the Email section you will find Template

Within the Email Template settings you will be presented with the ability to edit your default email. This is the default template that will be used throughout any of the email campaigns that you launch within the Email tool.

Editing your Email Template 

To edit your Email Template and change its appearance, hover over the areas of your email that you wish to customise the appearance of and select Customise Default Styles to make changes to the section of the email template that you selected. 

Selecting Customise Default Styles will bring up the navigation options where elements such as background, and navigation items for the email header to create quick links to specific category pages and mimic the site banner within the email header.

Changing the default style will allow any future campaigns built to follow the same stylings as the changes made. Any existing email campaigns already live will remain unchanged but can be edited with the individual campaigns if required. 

Image variants and dimensions

Choose the Manage Variants option within the Email Template to make adjustments to your Email Template. 

Hover over the image template and select Customise Default Styles and then Upload Image. 

To include your logo or a header image, hover over the header template and select Customise Default Styles and select Upload Image, we recommend uploading your logo in a PNG or JPG format and dimensions of 600px x 100px.

For images added to the email body we recommend a maximum width of 600px and preferably in a PNG or JPG format.