Help Centre


Setting up dynamic basket value

Dynamic basket value can work to increase average order values and can be the final incentive a shopper needs to complete a purchase. 

Utilised on the Increase Order Values campaign, basket value encourages shoppers to add more items to their basket to qualify for an incentive such as free delivery or next day delivery.

Where to edit the value of the Dynamic Basket Value in the Customise your Campaign section of the Digital Assistant tool via the Salesfire Dashboard.

Editing your basket value

When setting up a Digital Assistant campaign that requires a basket value, follow these steps:

  1. Within the Customise your campaign section you can use the Main Content section to edit any of the text that will display on your campaign.
  2. Upon clicking the Main Content section the Edit Main Content menu will drop open.
  3. Here you will see the option to Insert basket value. Simply enter the threshold needed for customers to reach your incentive such as free delivery and click Confirm basket value to save your changes.