Help Centre


The Element Contents condition

The Element Contents condition checks whether an element contains or does not contain a certain value.

Similar to the Element Presence condition, you can choose to show a campaign based on detecting specific buttons or links on a webpage, however, Element Contents will check the element to see if an interchangeable value or wording is present or absent.

This condition could be used to reveal a campaign when a customer is seeing a certain price on the page. For example, the Element Contents condition can be sent to the selector containing a value of ‘£30.00’ to display a campaign that showcases specific offers relating to this amount.

To learn more about setting up the Element Presence condition, visit our Help Centre article.

You may wish to use this on an ‘add to bag' button but if this button is present but instead contains the call to action ‘pre-order’ the campaign will not trigger. 

To add the required Element Selector you will need to visit your live site and right-click to Inspect the element you wish to use.

Upon doing so you will be presented with a portion of highlighted code. Simply right-click this highlighted section and select Copy Selector you will then need to paste this selector into the Element Selector box.

In most cases you will then need to set the Contents Match Type to Contains and enter the content from the webpage that you are looking for the Element Selector to match against, this could be a section of unique copy coded into your site.